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Vom 23.5.2017 – 24.5.2017 fand am Institut für Sportwissenschaft das zweite Meeting des Projektteams statt. Anwesend waren Vertreter und...

24.05.2017 14:00

Dianne Newman

California Institute of Technology

Hörsaal 2, UZA1, Althanstr. 14, 1090 Wien



1 June, 9:45-17:30: Workshop "The Future of Natural Heritage"

Organised by the research project New Directions in Plant Ethics; venue: Alte Kapelle, Spitalgasse 2, 1090 Vienna


Here you find a list of meetings and conferences in 2017 which will be attended by our researchers.

24.05.2017 11:30

Invariance and Stability of Gabor Scattering for Music Signals

Roswitha Bammer (Univ. Wien)

24.05.2017 11:30

Invariance and Stability of Gabor Scattering for Music Signals

Roswitha Bammer (Univ. Wien)