[Translate to Deutsch:] Nachrichten


Die Abteilung war bei der International Society of Biomechanics (ISB) Konferenz in Calgary vertreten.

18.10.2019 09:30

Mathematical modeling the role of the immune response in leukemia

Doron Levy (University of Maryland)


Das Projekt COMPASS wird durch das Erasmus+ Programm der EU finanziert. Es wird in Kooperation der Universität Wien, dem Orientierungslauf Verein...


Felipe Guerrero successfully passed his defensio entitled "Discovery of novel biologically active molecules via conventional and genome-guided...

18.10.2019 09:00

Modeling the development of drug resistance

Doron Levy (University of Maryland)


Ian Walmsley is Chair in Experimental Physics at the Imperial College London. On Tuesday, 29 October, he will give a public talk at the Main...