[Translate to Deutsch:] Nachrichten


Ingrid Bauer, Christa Hämmerle, Claudia Opitz-Belakhal (Hgg.), Politik – Theorie – Erfahrung. 30 Jahre feministische Geschichtswissenschaft im...


On 23 June 2020 ELI President Christiane Wendehorst and ELI Interim Secretary-General Bea Verschraegen held an online meeting with Frank Piplat, Head...


Gabriella Hauch, Karl Fallend (Hgg.), „Aus der Sintflut einige Tauben“. Zu Leben und Werk von Elisabeth Schilder. Wien 2020 (Schriftenreihe zur...


Tenure-Track Professorship for the field of Cognitive Neuroscience of brain-microbiome interaction at the Vienna Cognitive Science Hub, the Faculty of...


New TT position available

The Vienna Cognitive Science Hub is looking for a Tenure-Track Professorship for the field of Cognitive Neuroscience of brain-microbiome interaction


EPIQUS, to which Philip Walther is a consortium member, is a project funded by the European Commission that aims to develop a chip-scale quantum...