[Translate to Deutsch:] Nachrichten

19.03.2019 15:50

Variable coefficients and numerical methods for electromagnetic waves

Lise-Marie Imbert-Gérard (University of Maryland)


19.03.2019 15:15

Naruse's hook length formula and its variations (after Igor Pak, Alejandro Morales and Greta Panova)

Christian Krattenthaler


19. März 2019

15:00 Uhr, Sitzungssaal des Dekanats der Katholisch-Theologischen Fakultät, Universitätsring 1, 1010 Wien

19.03.2019 15:00

An introduction to ordinary linear differential equations

H. Melanova, S. Yurkevich

19.03.2019 15:00

Numerical linear algebra for sparse matrices: the Conjugate Gradient method

Lise-Marie Imbert-Gérard (University of Maryland)



Sowi-Doc.Awards 2019

For outstanding research contributions of doctoral graduates

Application deadline: 8 September 2019