[Translate to Deutsch:] Nachrichten

18.01.2013 15:15

One Poet – Many Rāmāyaṇas. Tulsīdās’s Tellings of Rāmkathā

Danuta Stasik | University of Warsaw, Faculty of Oriental Studies, Chair of South Asian Studies

17.01.2013 15:00

Van der Waerden ideal and its cardinal invariants

J. Flašková (U of West Bohemi, Pilsen, CZ)


Ingo Venzke


Ingo Venzke


The second exam for the M4 lecture 'Intercultural Negotiation Patterns' (Ronald Mitterhofer) will take place on March 1, 1:15pm in Seminar Room Jap 1,...

15.01.2013 17:00

January 2013: Open lecture by Bernadette BENSAUDE-VINCENT

Synthetic Biology as a Techno-Utopia