[Translate to Deutsch:] Nachrichten


Skilauf - Bedeutungen, Identitäten

Skilauf als „Volksübung“ – Die Frühphase der Entwicklung von Schulskilauf und Schulskikursen in Österreich bis 1930

07.01.2013 15:00

Polish G-spaces similar to logic G-spaces of continuous structures

A. Ivanov and B. Majcher-Iwanow (U of Wrocław, PL)


Interview with Prof Rüdiger Frank on reports of 'radical reforms' in North Korea

Prof Rüdiger Frank was interviewed by the Austrian daily newspaper Der Standard on the reliability of western media reports concerning 'radical...


Portfolio Optimization under Partial Information with Expert Opinions


Prof Rüdiger Frank will participate in the round table discussion “Teaching in English? Preconditions, Problems, Advantages“ which is part of the...


The third volume of our publication Vienna Journal of East Asian Studies (editors: Rüdiger Frank, Ingrid Getreuer-Kargl, Lukas Pokorny and Agnes...