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Workshop: "Publication Strategies in the Social Sciences"

Organised by the Graduate Centre of the Faculty of Social Sciences

Tuesday, 4 December 2018, 09:30–13:30

Registration until 29 November 2018


Workshop: "Publication Strategies in the Social Sciences"

Organised by the Graduate Centre of the Faculty of Social Sciences

Tuesday, 4 December 2018, 09:30–13:30

Registration until 29 November 2018

20.11.2018 15:30

On the continuity of the Loewner Map

Atul Shekhar (KTH)

20.11.2018 15:30

On the continuity of the Loewner Map

Atul Shekhar (KTH)

20.11.2018 15:15

Perfect $k$-colored matchings and $k+2$-gonal tilings

Lukas Andritsch (Univ. Graz)

20.11.2018 15:00

Growth, ispoperimetry and resistance in finite vertex-transitive graphs

Matthew Tointon (University of Cambridge)