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President Diana Wallis at the Second European Forum on ADR in Madrid

On 3 November, President Diana Wallis was a speaker at the Second European Forum on Consumer ADR, organised by ADICAE (Asociacíon de Usuarios de...

03.11.2016 16:30

Fractional Brownian motion, financial mathematics and stopping times

Rémi Peyre (Univ. Wien), Vienna SE in Mathematical Finance and Probability

03.11.2016 16:30

Fractional Brownian motion, financial mathematics and stopping times

Rémi Peyre (Univ. Wien), Vienna SE in Mathematical Finance and Probability

03.11.2016 16:00

Linear orders: when embedding and epimorphism coincode

Raphael Carroy (KGRC), KGRC SE

03.11.2016 16:00

Linear orders: when embedding and epimorphism coincode

Raphael Carroy (KGRC), KGRC SE

03.11.2016 15:15

Fundamental groups of inverse limits

Ziga Virk (IST Austria), AG Ergodentheorie