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Philipp Külpmann gives a talk on “Finding the Best Theory for Games with Unique Nash Equilibria in Mixed Strategies” at Bielefeld University on July...


Conference in Ferrara

The Conference, entitled European and Asian Perspectives on the Digital Economy: Platforms, Blockchain and FinTech, took place on 5–6 July 2018.

06.07.2018 13:30

Freitag, 06. Juli 2018 13:30

Ort: Ernst-Mach-Hörsaal, Boltzmanngasse 5, 2. Stock


Im Rahmen der Arts & Sciences Veranstaltung ForschungsBilder wurden am 5. Juli die GewinnerInnen des diesjährigen Fotowettbewerbs bekannt gegeben.


The Arndt Group published a new article on "A Quantum Ruler for Magnetic Deflectometry" in Entropy