[Translate to Deutsch:] Nachrichten

06.12.2018 16:30

Donnerstag, 06. Dezember 2018 16:30

Ort: Victor-Franz-Hess Hörsaal, Währinger Str. 17, Kavalierstrakt 1. Stock


Anderl: Rechte von Menschen mit Behinderungen ernst nehmen!


Case Law of the European Court of Human Rights on Detention in 2017–2018

The seminar on 'Case Law of the European Court of Human Rights on Detention in 2017–2018' took place on 6–7 December 2018 in Strasbourg (France).


Stefan Kuhn from the Quantum optics, quantum nanophysics and quantum information group at the Faculty of Physics was awarded the "Award of Excellence...

06.12.2018 15:00

Gastvortrag von Oliver I. Botar