[Translate to Deutsch:] Nachrichten


ELI Environmental Law SIG supports the online Conference on 'Sustainability. Consumption'

The Conference is organised by Nova University, Lisbon on 21 and 22 April and will aim to evaluate and discuss: Circular Economy, Consumer Law and...


The Conference was organised by Nova University, Lisbon on 21 and 22 April and aimed to evaluate and discuss the Circular Economy, Consumer Law and...


Jakob Fellinger successfully defended his thesis on "Versatile and robust Yb:fiber lasers for single and dual-comb applications". Great work, Jakob!


The next Public Presentations at the Faculty of research projects presented by VDSEE Doctoral/PhD graduates in their first year will take place online...


Ina EICHNER, Elisabeth BIELAT, Matthias SCHULZ (ÖAW / Universität Wien)

21. April 2021 17:00 (CEST)

Das Pauloskloster (Deir el-Bachît) in...


Ein österreichisches Brauunternehmen zwischen NS-Kriegswirtschaft, V2-Rüstungsbetrieb und KZ-Außenlager