[Translate to Deutsch:] Nachrichten


Nectar Uptake of a Long-Proboscid Prosoeca Fly (Nemestrinidae)—Proboscis Morphology and Flower Shape


New paper in Frontiers in Zoology

When SEM becomes a deceptive tool of analysis: the unexpected discovery of epidermal glands with stalked ducts on the ultimate legs of geophilomorph...


Anlässlich des Tags der Provenienzforschung am 14. April ist auf RETOUR – freier Blog für Provenienzforschende ein Beitrag von Theresa Mallmann zu...

20.04.2021 17:30

Online-Vortrag von Frank N. Keutsch (Paulson School of Engineering and Atmospheric Science, Harvard University Cambridge, MA, USA): Stratospheric Solar Geoengineering - Taking the Edge off Climate Change?

Despite the progress made at the Paris climate talks with respect to reducing emissions of green-house gases it is possible ...

20.04.2021 17:30

Dienstag, 20. April 2021 17:30

Zoom Meeting: tuwien.zoom.us/j/99046375812

Meeting-ID: 990 4637 5812 ...


Deadline: 20 Apr 2021

For excellent researchers with 7 to 12 years experience after PhD (up to 2 Mio Euro for 5 years).