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Einladung zur Inaugural Conference of the Research Platform GAIN, 15.-16.4.2021

GAIN Gender & Agency Lecture

Rosalind Gill: “Posting a perfect life: Affect, social media and fear of getting it wrong”

April 15th, 2021, at 6:30pm....


Stipendium für Studierende mit Beeinträchtigung

Einmalzahlung für Studierende mit Behindertenpass (mind. 50%)

Antragsfrist 19.04.2021 bis 21.05.2021


Wie nutzen Kinder und Jugendliche technologische Veränderungen und wie werden sie davon beeinflusst? Diese Frage stellt das europäische...


The research platform "GAIN - Gender: Ambivalent In_Visibilities" is pleased to announce its inaugural conference!

15.04.2021 10:00

Everything you ever wanted to (not) know about nondegeneracy conditions

Bernhard Lamel (Texas A&M at Qatar, University of Vienna)


The event took place on 15 April 2021 and was organised jointly by the Faculty of Law of the University of Bergamo, the Centre for Medical Law at the...