[Translate to Deutsch:] Nachrichten

18.01.2018 15:15

On Lochs Theorem and transfer operators for random interval maps

Benthen Zeegers (Univ. Leiden)

18.01.2018 15:00

Combinatorial variants of Lebesgue's density theorem

P. Schlicht (U Bonn, DE)


New prae doc positions on offer

We're currently looking to fill two prae doc positions to enhance our team.


Whether there exists a reality to be described by science is one of the oldest question in philosophy of science. Are theoretical entities merely...


Whether there exists a reality to be described by science is one of the oldest question in philosophy of science. Are theoretical entities merely...


29. Jänner 2018, 17 Uhr

"Wissenschaftsforschung, Interdisziplinarität und Subjektivierungen. Gender Studies als Kaleidoskop"