[Translate to Deutsch:] Nachrichten

12.01.2018 10:30

Spectral Theory for Infinite Quantum Graphs

Noema Nicolussi (Univ. Wien)

12.01.2018 10:15

Dirac systems and related problems

Alexander Sakhnovich (Univ. Wien)

12.01.2018 09:30

Kinetic Modelling of Colonies of Myxobacteria

Laura Kanzler (Univ. Wien)


Sanne Kruikemeier, Sophie Lecheler and Ming M. Boyer have published the article "Learning From News on Different Media Platforms: An Eye-Tracking...


Táňa Dluhošová - Censorship as Procedure and Practice in the Early Post-war Period Taiwan

11.01.2018 18:30

Wann: Donnerstag, 11. Jänner 2018, 18:30 Uhr. Wo: Aula am Campus der Universität Wien, Spitalgasse 2, Hof 1.11, 1090 Wien. Gastvortrag von Zeynep...