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Vortrag im Rahmen der Veranstaltungsreihe "Tiefenbohrungen: Wirtschaft anders denken"

30. Mai 2016, 18:30 Uhr, Clubraum der Wirtschaftsuniversität...

30.05.2016 16:45

Limit theory for functionals of linear processes at the boundary of non-stationarity (joint work with I. Kasparis)


Carbolite Gero Gas-Mixing Furnace, several Box Furnaces, Drying Cabinet


FEI QuantaTM 3D FEG Field-Emission-Gun Scanning Electron Microscope with integrated Focused Ion Beam System


Leica EM SCD 500, The sputter coater is a device for coating of samples with a conductive surface layer of carbon, gold, tungsten or other suitable...


Gentle mill is a milling device for thinning solid samples down to several tens of nanometers thickness by exposition to an Argon-ion beam. The...