[Translate to Deutsch:] Nachrichten


Der an der Fakultät für Physik entwickelte "Fingerabdruck" 233U/236U für anthropogenes ­- also vom Menschen produziertes - Uran hat jetzt in...


Quantum technologies for computers open up new concepts of preserving the privacy of input and output data of a computation. Scientists from the...


Prof. Arnd Florack als Experte in einem Beitrag auf news.at.


Quantum technologies for computers open up new concepts of preserving the privacy of input and output data of a computation. Scientists from the...


VERANSTALTUNGSEINLADUNG: Manuscript kick-off: Central European Christianity and Knowledge about the Orient, 1600–1640, (17.02.2021, ONLINE)

If you would like to learn more about either, please spend an hour with us online on


Wednesday, 17 February, 2pm – 3pm (CET).


Anja Feneberg, Urs Nater, Ricarda Nater-Mewes und Stefanie Hirsch haben den 50th Anniversary Research and Development Award der Society of Education,...