[Translate to Deutsch:] Nachrichten

17.10.2018 15:45

“When all else fails, do a duality argument” – an improved convergence result for a first order system least squares method

Maximilian Bernkopf (Vienna University of Technology)

17.10.2018 15:00

Resonance in nonlinear acoustics

Aday Celik (TU Darmstadt, Germany)


Vera Gheno;

Gastvortrag im Rahmen der Settimana della Lingua italiana nel Mondo

17.10.2018 14:00

On generalized convexity with respect to elliptic matrices

Oliver Dragičević (University of Ljubljana, Slovenia)


Neu erschienen im Juli 2018: Special editors: Angela Kallhoff and Thomas Schulte-Umberg, in the open access online Journal for Religion and...


Prof. Barbara Schober als Expertin im "Notizbuch" auf Bayern 2.