[Translate to Deutsch:] Nachrichten

27.05.2019 15:00

NIG, Seminarraum 3A, 3. Stock, Universitätsstr. 7, 1010 Wien


Soziologen und PsychologInnen beleuchten, wie sich die regulierende Grenze zwischen Arbeit und anderen Lebensbereichen zunehmend auflöst.


Jean-Robert Tyran has been re-elected as Vice-Rector of Research and International Affairs of the University of Vienna until September 2023.

27.05.2019 14:30

Optimal Transport

27.05.2019 14:00

Talk on "Optical, mechanical and thermal properties of superfluid helium drops levitated in vacuum"

by Charles Brown, Yale


The PHUSICOS project organized an education and outreach workshop in the primary school Prutz/Kaunertal on the 14th of May 2019