[Translate to Deutsch:] Nachrichten

22.05.2019 15:30

On a virtual element method for a fluid dynamical problem

Alexander Pichler (University of Vienna)

22.05.2019 15:30

Germany’s contribution to meeting global resettlement needs – recent developments and current



22. Mai 2019

15:00 Uhr, Sitzungssaal am Dekanat der Katholisch-Theologischen Fakultät, Stiege 8, 2. Stock, Universitätsring 1, 1010 Wien

22.05.2019 15:00

An Introduction to Spectral Theory of Laplacians on Graphs

Noema Nicolussi

22.05.2019 15:00

A pde model for network formation in biological systems

Giulia Pilli (University of Vienna)


Claire O'Donovan, UK: Metabolomics at EMBL-EBI: New and planned developments

When: Wed, 22.05.2019, 15:00

Where: Seminar room 3, Boltzmanngasse 1, 1090 Vienna