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21.05.2019 16:30

Free Probability, Random Matrices, and Non-Commutative Rational Functions

Roland Speicher (Univ. Saarbrücken)

21.05.2019 16:30

Free Probability, Random Matrices, and Non-Commutative Rational Functions

Roland Speicher (Univ. Saarbrücken)


STS Defensio

21 May 2019, 16:00

Artemis PAPADAKI ANASTASOPOULOU: Plastic matters: Material politics of plastic at the Environment Agency Austria.


Dienstag, 21.5.2019, 10:30 Uhr

21.05.2019 16:00

Drei Tage lang dreht sich am Institut für Soziologie alles um die Forschungsarbeiten Studierender. Ein umfangreiches Rahmenprogramm kompletiert die...


To effectively navigate the social world, we need information about each other’s emotions. Emotional contagion has been suggested to facilitate such...