Publications - Journal articles
Showing entries 401 - 450 out of 489
Heng, JYY, Bismarck, A, Lee, AF, Wilson, K & Williams, DR 2007, 'Anisotropic surface chemistry of aspirin crystals', Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, vol. 96, no. 8, pp. 2134-2144.
Bajomo, M, Steinke, JHG & Bismarck, A 2007, 'Inducing pH responsiveness via ultralow thiol content in polyacrylamide (Micro)gels with labile crosslinks', Journal of Physical Chemistry B, vol. 111, no. 29, pp. 8655-8662.
Chankin, AV, Coster, DP, Dux, R, Fuchs, C, Haas, G, Herrmann, A, Horton, LD, Kallenbach, A, Kaufmann, M, Kukushkin, AS, Lackner, K, Müller, HW, Neuhauser, J, Pugno, R & Tsalas, M 2007, 'Comparison between measured divertor parameters in ASDEX Upgrade and SOLPS code solutions', Journal of Nuclear Materials, vol. 363-365, no. 1-3, pp. 335-340.
ASDEX Upgrade Team 2007, 'Deuterium plasma flow in the scrape-off layer of ASDEX Upgrade', Journal of Nuclear Materials, vol. 363, pp. 605-610.
Wischmeier, M, Kallenbach, A, Chankin, AV, Coster, DP, Eich, T, Herrmann, A & Müller, HW 2007, 'High recycling outer divertor regimes after type-I ELMs at high density in ASDEX Upgrade', Journal of Nuclear Materials, vol. 363-365, no. 1-3, pp. 448-452.
Tsalas, M, Coster, D, Fuchs, C, Herrmann, A, Kallenbach, A, Müller, HW, Neuhauser, J, Rohde, V & Tsois, N 2007, 'In-out divertor flow asymmetries during ELMs in ASDEX Upgrade H-mode plasmas', Journal of Nuclear Materials, vol. 363-365, no. 1-3, pp. 1093-1098.
Koch, B, Herrmann, A, Kirk, A, Meyer, H, Dowling, J, Harhausen, J, Neuhauser, J, Müller, HW, Bohmeyer, W & Fussmann, G 2007, 'Observation of ELM structures in MAST and AUG using a fast camera', Journal of Nuclear Materials, vol. 363-365, no. 1-3, pp. 1056-1060.
Herrmann, A, Kirk, A, Schmid, A, Koch, B, Laux, M, Maraschek, M, Müller, HW, Neuhauser, J, Rohde, V, Tsalas, M & Wolfrum, E 2007, 'The filamentary structure of ELMs in the scrape-off layer in ASDEX Upgrade', Journal of Nuclear Materials, vol. 363-365, no. 1-3, pp. 528-533.
Tsalas, M, Herrmann, A, Kallenbach, A, Müller, HW, Neuhauser, J, Rohde, V, Tsois, N & Wischmeier, M 2007, 'Divertor plasma flow near the lower x-point in ASDEX Upgrade', Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, vol. 49, no. 6, 012, pp. 857-872.
Griffin, JM, Robb, I & Bismarck, A 2007, 'Preparation and characterization of surfactant-free stimuli-sensitive microgel dispersions', Journal of Applied Polymer Science, vol. 104, no. 3, pp. 1912-1919.
Ho, KKC, Lee, AF & Bismarck, A 2007, 'Fluorination of carbon fibres in atmospheric plasma', Carbon, vol. 45, no. 4, pp. 775-784.
Baltazar-y-Jimenez, A & Bismarck, A 2007, 'Wetting behaviour, moisture up-take and electrokinetic properties of lignocellulosic fibres', Cellulose, vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 115-127.
See Toh, YH, Loh, XX, Li, K, Bismarck, A & Livingston, AG 2007, 'In search of a standard method for the characterisation of organic solvent nanofiltration membranes', Journal of Membrane Science, vol. 291, no. 1-2, pp. 120-125.
Safinia, L, Wilson, K, Mantalaris, A & Bismarck, A 2007, 'Atmospheric plasma treatment of porous polymer constructs for tissue engineering applications', Macromolecular Bioscience, vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 315-327.
Brezinsek, S, Pugno, R, Fantz, U, Manhard, A, Müller, HW, Kallenbach, A & Mertens, P 2007, 'Determination of photon efficiencies and hydrocarbon influxes in the detached outer divertor plasma of ASDEX Upgrade', Physica Scripta: an international journal for experimental and theoretical physics, vol. T128, pp. 40-44.
Menner, A, Verdejo, R, Shaffer, M & Bismarck, A 2007, 'Particle-stabilized surfactant-free medium internal phase emulsions as templates for porous nanocomposite materials: Poly-pickering-foams', Langmuir, vol. 23, no. 5, pp. 2398-2403.
Bismarck, A, Hofmeier, M & Dörner, G 2007, 'Effect of hot water immersion on the performance of carbon reinforced unidirectional poly(ether ether ketone) (PEEK) composites: Stress rupture under end-loaded bending', Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, vol. 38, no. 2, pp. 407-426.
Chankin, AV, Coster, DP, Asakura, N, Bonnin, X, Conway, GD, Corrigan, G, Erents, SK, Fundamenski, W, Horacek, J, Kallenbach, A, Kaufmann, M, Konz, C, Lackner, K, Müller, HW, Neuhauser, J, Pitts, RA & Wischmeier, M 2007, 'Discrepancy between modelled and measured radial electric fields in the scrape-off layer of divertor tokamaks: A challenge for 2D fluid codes?', Nuclear Fusion, vol. 47, no. 5, pp. 479-489.
Grigoryeva, O, Slisenko, O, Bismarck, A & Sergeeva, L 2007, 'Effect of specific interactions on structure-property relationships of thermoplastic IPNs based on polyurethane and styrene-co-acrylic acid ionomers', Macromolecular Symposia, vol. 254, pp. 233-239.
Menner, A, Ikem, V, Salgueiro, M, Shaffer, MSP & Bismarck, A 2007, 'High internal phase emulsion templates solely stabilised by functionalised titania nanoparticles', Chemical Communications, no. 41, pp. 4274-4276.
Schmid, A, Herrmann, A, Rohde, V, Maraschek, M & Müller, HW 2007, 'Magnetically driven filament probe', Review of Scientific Instruments, vol. 78, no. 5, 053502.
Heng, JYY, Pearse, DF, Thielmann, F, Lampke, T & Bismarck, A 2007, 'Methods to determine surface energies of natural fibres: a review', Composite Interfaces, vol. 14, no. 7-9, pp. 581-604.
Juntaro, J, Pommet, M, Mantalaris, A, Shaffer, M & Bismarck, A 2007, 'Nanocellulose enhanced interfaces in truly green unidirectional fibre reinforced composites', Composite Interfaces, vol. 14, no. 7-9, pp. 753-762.
Verdejo, R, Lamoriniere, S, Cottam, B, Bismarck, A & Shaffer, M 2007, 'Removal of oxidation debris from multi-walled carbon nanotubes', Chemical Communications, no. 5, pp. 513-515.
Baltazar-Y-Jimenez, A & Bismarck, A 2007, 'Surface modification of lignocellulosic fibres in atmospheric air pressure plasma', Green Chemistry, vol. 9, no. 10, pp. 1057-1066.
Habel, WR & Bismarck, A 2006, 'Optimization of the adhesion of fiber‐optic strain sensors embedded in cement matrices; a study into long‐term fiber strength', Structural Control and Health Monitoring, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 51-76.
Menner, A, Haibach, K, Powell, R & Bismarck, A 2006, 'Tough reinforced open porous polymer foams via concentrated emulsion templating', Polymer, vol. 47, no. 22, pp. 7628-7635.
Heng, JYY, Bismarck, A & Williams, DR 2006, 'Anisotropic surface chemistry of crystalline pharmaceutical solids', AAPS PharmSciTech, vol. 7, no. 4, 84.
Watkins, L, Bismarck, A, Lee, AF, Wilson, D & Wilson, K 2006, 'An XPS study of pulsed plasma polymerised allyl alcohol film growth on polyurethane', Applied Surface Science, vol. 252, no. 23, pp. 8203-8211.
Bismarck, A, Baltazar-Y-Jimenez, A & Sarikakis, K 2006, 'Green composites as Panacea? Socio-economic aspects of green materials', Environment, Development and Sustainability, vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 445-463.
Haibach, K, Menner, A, Powell, R & Bismarck, A 2006, 'Tailoring mechanical properties of highly porous polymer foams: Silica particle reinforced polymer foams via emulsion templating', Polymer, vol. 47, no. 13, pp. 4513-4519.
Chankin, AV, Coster, DP, Dux, R, Fuchs, C, Haas, G, Herrmann, A, Horton, LD, Kallenbach, A, Kaufmann, M, Konz, C, Lackner, K, Maggi, C, Müller, HW, Neuhauser, J, Pugno, R, Reich, M & Schneider, W 2006, 'SOLPS modelling of ASDEX upgrade H-mode plasma', Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, vol. 48, no. 6, pp. 839-868.
Safinia, L, Mantalaris, A & Bismarck, A 2006, 'Nondestructive technique for the characterization of the pore size distribution of soft porous constructs for tissue engineering', Langmuir, vol. 22, no. 7, pp. 3235-3242.
Menner, A, Powell, R & Bismarck, A 2006, 'Open porous polymer foams via inverse emulsion polymerization: Should the definition of high internal phase (ratio) emulsions be extended?', Macromolecules, vol. 39, no. 6, pp. 2034-2035.
Heng, JYY, Bismarck, A, Lee, AF, Wilson, K & Williams, DR 2006, 'Anisotropic surface energetics and wettability of macroscopic form I paracetamol crystals', Langmuir, vol. 22, no. 6, pp. 2760-2769.
Saraç, AS, Bismarck, A & Springer, J 2006, 'Reflectance FTIR and SEM characterization of poly[N-vinylcarbazole-co- methylmethacrylate] electrografted carbon fiber surface: Current density effect', Journal of Materials Science, vol. 41, no. 2, pp. 389-398.
Menner, A, Powell, R & Bismarck, A 2006, 'A new route to carbon black filled polyHIPEs', Soft Matter, vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 337-342.
Menner, A & Bismarck, A 2006, 'New evidence for the mechanism of the pore formation in polymerising high internal phase emulsions or why polyHIPEs have an interconnected pore network structure', Macromolecular Symposia, vol. 242, pp. 19-24.
Safinia, L, Datan, N, Höhse, M, Mantalaris, A & Bismarck, A 2005, 'Towards a methodology for the effective surface modification of porous polymer scaffolds', Biomaterials, vol. 26, no. 36, pp. 7537-7547.
Günter, S, Angioni, C, Apostoliceanu, M, Atanasiu, C, Balden, M, Becker, G, Becker, W, Behler, K, Behringer, K, Bergmann, A, Bilato, R, Bizyukov, I, Bobkov, V, Bolzonella, T, Borba, D, Borrass, K, Brambilla, M, Braun, F, Buhler, A, Carlson, A, Chankin, A, Chen, J, Chen, Y, Cirant, S, Conway, G, Coster, D, Dannert, T, Dimova, K, Drube, R, Dux, R, Eich, T, Engelhardt, K, Fahrbach, HU, Fantz, U, Fattorini, L, Foley, M, Franzen, P, Fuchs, JC, Gafert, J, Gal, K, Gantenbein, G, García Muñoz, M, Gehre, O, Geier, A, Giannone, L, Gruber, O, Haas, G, Hartmann, D, Heger, B, Heinemann, B, Herrmann, A, Hobirk, J, Hohenöcker, H, Horton, L, Huart, M, Igochine, V, Jacchia, A, Jakobi, M, Jenko, F, Kallenbach, A, Kálvin, S, Kardaun, O, Kaufmann, M, Keller, A, Kendl, A, Kick, M, Kim, JW, Kirov, K, Klose, S, Kochergov, R, Kocsis, G, Kollotzek, H, Konz, C, Kraus, W, Krieger, K, Kurki-Suonio, T, Kurzan, B, Lackner, K, Lang, PT, Lauber, P, Laux, M, Leuterer, F, Likonen, J, Lohs, A, Lorenz, A, Lorenzini, R, Lyssoivan, A, Maggi, C, Maier, H, Mank, K, Manini, A, Manso, ME, Mantica, P, Maraschek, M, Martin, P, Mast, KF, Mayer, M, McCarthy, P, Meyer, H, Meisel, D, Meister, H, Menmuir, S, Meo, F, Merkel, P, Merkel, R, Merkl, D, Mertens, V, Monaco, F, Mück, A, Müller, HW, Münich, M, Murmann, H, Na, YS, Narayanan, R, Neu, G, Neu, R, Neuhauser, J, Nishijima, D, Nishimura, Y, Noterdaeme, JM, Nunes, I, Pacco-Düchs, M, Pautasso, G, Peeters, AG, Pereverzev, G, Pinches, S, Poli, E, Posthumus-Wolfrum, E, Pütterich, T, Pugno, R, Quigley, E, Radivojevic, I, Raupp, G, Reich, M, Riedl, R, Ribeiro, T, Rohde, V, Roth, J, Ryter, F, Saarelma, S, Sandmann, W, Santos, J, Schall, G, Schilling, HB, Schirmer, J, Schneider, W, Schramm, G, Schweinzer, J, Schweizer, S, Scott, B, Seidel, U, Serra, F, Sihler, C, Silva, A, Sips, A, Speth, E, Stäbler, A, Steuer, KH, Stober, J, Streibl, B, Strintzi, D, Strumberger, E, Suttrop, W, Tardini, G, Tichmann, C, Treutterer, W, Troppmann, M, Tsalas, M, Urano, H, Varela, P, Wagner, D, Wesner, F, Würsching, E, Ye, MY, Yoon, SW, Yu, Q, Zaniol, B, Zasche, D, Zehetbauer, T, Zehrfeld, HP, Zilker, M & Zohm, H 2005, 'Overview of ASDEX Upgrade results - Development of integrated operating scenarios for ITER', Nuclear Fusion, vol. 45, no. 10.
Abou Neel, EA, Ahmed, I, Blaker, JJ, Bismarck, A, Boccaccini, AR, Lewis, MP, Nazhat, SN & Knowles, JC 2005, 'Effect of iron on the surface, degradation and ion release properties of phosphate-based glass fibres', Acta Biomaterialia, vol. 1, no. 5, pp. 553-563.
Bismarck, A, Lee, AF, Saraç, AS, Schulz, E & Wilson, K 2005, 'Electrocoating of carbon fibres: A route for interface control in carbon fibre reinforced poly methylmethacrylate?', Composites Science and Technology, vol. 65, no. 10, pp. 1564-1573.
Kirk, A, Eich, T, Herrmann, A, Muller, HW, Horton, LD, Counsell, GF, Price, M, Rohde, V, Bobkov, V, Kurzan, B, Neuhauser, J & Wilson, H 2005, 'The spatial structure of type-I ELMs at the mid-plane in ASDEX Upgrade and a comparison with data from MAST', Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, vol. 47, no. 7, pp. 995-1013.
Maeda, K, Bismarck, A & Briscoe, BJ 2005, 'Mechanisms of scratching frictions and damage maps for rubber compounds', Wear, vol. 259, no. 1-6, pp. 651-660.
Bismarck, A, Pfaffernoschke, M, Springer, J & Schulz, E 2005, 'Polystyrene-grafted carbon fibers: Surface properties and adhesion to polystyrene', Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials, vol. 18, no. 4, pp. 307-331.
Blaker, JJ, Maquet, V, Boccaccini, AR, Jérôme, R & Bismarck, A 2005, 'Wetting of bioactive glass surfaces by poly(α-hydroxyacid) melts: Interaction between Bioglass® and biodegradable polymers', e-Polymers.
Pugno, R, Krieger, K, Kirschner, A, Kallenbach, A, Coster, DP, Dux, R, Fantz, U, Likonen, J, Müller, HW, Neuhauser, J, Rohde, V & Vainonen-Ahlgren, E 2005, 'Carbon chemical erosion in H-mode discharges in ASDEX Upgrade divertor IIb: Flux dependence and local redeposition', Journal of Nuclear Materials, vol. 337-339, no. 1-3 SPEC. ISS., pp. 985-989.
Safinia, L, Blaker, JJ, Maquet, V, Boccaccini, AR, Mantalaris, A & Bismarck, A 2005, 'Characterisation of 'wet' polymer surfaces for tissue engineering applications: Are flat surfaces a suitable model for complex structures?', e-Polymers.
Thomas, DM, Leonard, AW & Müller, HW 2004, 'Calculation of edge toroidal current density distributions from DIII-D lithium beam measurements using Ampere's law', Review of Scientific Instruments, vol. 75, no. 10 II, pp. 4109-4111.
Thomas, DM, Leonard, AW, Lao, LL, Osborne, TH, Müller, HW & Finkenthal, DF 2004, 'Measurement of pressure-gradient-driven currents in tokamak edge plasmas', Physical Review Letters, vol. 93, no. 6.
Showing entries 401 - 450 out of 489
Publications - Bookchapters
Showing entries 1 - 4 out of 4
Fortea Verdejo, M & Bismarck, A 2018, Chapter 10: Upgrading the Properties of Woven and Non-Woven (Ligno)Cellulosic Fibre Preforms with Nanocellulose. in K-Y Lee (ed.), Nanocellulose and Sustainability: Production, Properties, Applications, and Case Studies. 1st Edition edn, CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group, pp. 197-216.
Mautner, A, Hakalahti, M, Rissanen, V & Tammelin, T 2018, Chapter 6: Crucial Interfacial Features of Nanocellulose Materials. in K-Y Lee (ed.), Nanocellulose and Sustainability: Production, Properties, Applications, and Case Studies. 1st Edition edn, CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group, pp. 87-128.
Lee, K-Y & Bismarck, A 2016, Chapter 6 – Bacterial NanoCellulose as Reinforcement for Polymer Matrices. in M Gama, F Dourado & S Bielecki (eds), Bacterial Nanocellulose: From Biotechnology to Bio-Economy. ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, pp. 109–122.
Shamsuddin, S-R, Chee Ho, KK, Lee, K-Y, Hodgkinson, JM & Bismarck, A 2012, Carbon Fiber: Properties, Testing, and Analysis. in Wiley Encyclopedia of Composites. Wiley, pp. 1-17.
Showing entries 1 - 4 out of 4
Publications - Books
Showing entries 1 - 0 out of 0
Showing entries 1 - 0 out of 0
Publications - Conferences
Lee, K-Y, Murakami, R & Bismarck, A 2019, 'Cellulose fibril emulsifiers: Interesting and versatile', American Chemical Society. Abstracts of Papers (at the National Meeting), vol. 257.
Kondor, A, Mautner, A, Lee, K-Y, Bismarck, A & Williams, D 2019, 'Challenges on specific surface area analysis of cellulosic materials', American Chemical Society. Abstracts of Papers (at the National Meeting), vol. 257.
Weiland, K, Mautner, A, Arteaga, JL, Bauer, A & Bismarck, A 2019, 'Elephantidae manure and biogas residue as potential raw material for the extraction of cellulose', American Chemical Society. Abstracts of Papers (at the National Meeting), vol. 257.
Mautner, A, Fortea-Verdejo, M & Bismarck, A 2019, 'Energy efficient nanocellulose foam coating on cellulosic textiles for water filtration membranes', American Chemical Society. Abstracts of Papers (at the National Meeting), vol. 257.
Fortea-Verdejo, M, Mautner, A & Bismarck, A 2019, 'Foaming nanocellulose for coating applications', American Chemical Society. Abstracts of Papers (at the National Meeting), vol. 257.
Mautner, A, Janesch, J & Bismarck, A 2019, 'Fungal chitosan-glucan in water remediation applications', American Chemical Society. Abstracts of Papers (at the National Meeting), vol. 257.
Mayer, F, Mautner, A, Lee, K-Y & Bismarck, A 2019, 'Hybridization of nanocelluloses for improved nanopaper properties', American Chemical Society. Abstracts of Papers (at the National Meeting), vol. 257.
Quero, F, Opazo, G, Quintro, A, Fernandez, J, Zhao, Y, Mautner, A & Flores, M 2019, 'Protein-functionalized cellulose fibrils and nanopapers derived from tunic wastes', American Chemical Society. Abstracts of Papers (at the National Meeting), vol. 257.
Jalalian, M, Jiang, Q & Bismarck, A 2018, 'Any good? Foam templating as route for tailor-made macroporous polymer foams', American Chemical Society. Abstracts of Papers (at the National Meeting), vol. 256.
Menner, A, Rusakov, D & Bismarck, A 2018, 'High performance polymer foams: How to push lots of air into PEEK, PEKK and TPI', American Chemical Society. Abstracts of Papers (at the National Meeting), vol. 256.
Andrieux, S, Roland, T, Menner, A, Drenckhan, W, Costantini, M, Barbetta, A, Swieszkowski, W & Stubenrauch, C 2018, 'Microfluidics: A tool to control the degree of polydispersity', American Chemical Society. Abstracts of Papers (at the National Meeting), vol. 256.
Steindl, P, Menner, A & Bismarck, A 2018, 'Pushing the limits - producing highly porous epoxy resins', American Chemical Society. Abstracts of Papers (at the National Meeting), vol. 256.
Werner, M, Perko, J, Prinz, V, Bismarck, A & Lieberzeit, P 2018, Pickering Emulsion Polymerization of Polystyrene to Synthesize Bacteria Imprinted Polymer Beads for Pre-Concentration. in Conference Proceedings. pp. 699 - 700, 17th International Meeting on Chemical Sensors – IMCS2018, Wien, Austria, 15/07/18.
Mautner, A, Weiland, K & Bismarck, A 2018, Cellulose nanopapers from elephant manure. in Book of Abstracts. 3rd International EPNOE Junior Scientists Meeting - Advances in Fundamental and Applied Polysaccharide Research, Maribor, Slovenia, 14/05/18.
Jalalian, M, Jiang, Q & Bismarck, A 2018, 'Beat it! Foam templated macroporous lignin foams', American Chemical Society. Abstracts of Papers (at the National Meeting), vol. 255.
Mautner, A, Weiland, K & Bismarck, A 2018, 'Cellulose nanopapers from elephant manure', American Chemical Society. Abstracts of Papers (at the National Meeting), vol. 255.
Santmarti, A, Hervy, M, Mautner, A, Kondor, A, Bismarck, A & Lee, K-Y 2018, 'Highly porous and highly permeable bacterial cellulose nanopaper as reinforcement for polymers', American Chemical Society. Abstracts of Papers (at the National Meeting), vol. 255.
Mautner, A, Lee, K-Y, Kontturi, E & Bismarck, A 2018, 'Included? Not included! (Nano)Cellulose inclusion compounds', American Chemical Society. Abstracts of Papers (at the National Meeting), vol. 255.
Mautner, A, Lee, K-Y & Bismarck, A 2018, 'Nanopaper nanofiltration membranes from seawater suspensions of TEMPO-CNF', American Chemical Society. Abstracts of Papers (at the National Meeting), vol. 255.
Hobisch, M, Mourad, E, Fischer, WJ, Zankel, A, Mautner, A, Freunberger, S, Eckhart, R, Bauer, W & Spirk, S 2018, 'Paper fines as renewable source for supercapacitor electrode materials', American Chemical Society. Abstracts of Papers (at the National Meeting), vol. 255.
Jalalian, M, Jiang, Q & Bismarck, A 2017, Air templated Macroporous Lignin Foams. in Tagungsband. pp. OP 50, Danube Vltava Sava Polymer Meeting - DVSPM 2017, Wien, Austria, 5/09/17.
Mayer, F, Mautner, A & Bismarck, A 2017, Customization of Tempo-oxidized nanocellulose Papers for improved mechanical Properties. in Tagungsband. pp. OP 48, Danube Vltava Sava Polymer Meeting - DVSPM 2017, Wien, Austria, 5/09/17.
Barna, NM, Maitland, G & Bismarck, A 2017, DNA Tracers for Subsurface Applications in the Oil and Gas Industry. in Tagungsband. pp. OP 79, Danube Vltava Sava Polymer Meeting - DVSPM 2017, Wien, Austria, 5/09/17.
Steindl, P, Menner, A & Bismarck, A 2017, Elegant methods for preparing Epoxy Foams. in Tagungsband. pp. OP 88, Danube Vltava Sava Polymer Meeting - DVSPM 2017, Wien, Austria, 5/09/17.
Rusakov, D, Menner, A & Bismarck, A 2017, High Porosity Polyetherketoneketone. in Tagungsband. pp. OP 24, Danube Vltava Sava Polymer Meeting - DVSPM 2017, Wien, Austria, 5/09/17.
Eichelter, J, Mautner, A, Bismarck, A, Eder , A, Wilhelm , H & Schafler, E 2017, High-velocity stretching tests of polyethylene. in Tagungsband. pp. OP 94, Danube Vltava Sava Polymer Meeting - DVSPM 2017, Wien, Austria, 5/09/17.
Mautner, A, Lee, K-Y & Bismarck, A 2017, Influence of Cellulose Nanopaper Characteristics on Paper and Composite Properties. in Tagungsband. pp. OP 45, Danube Vltava Sava Polymer Meeting - DVSPM 2017, Wien, Austria, 5/09/17.
Fortea Verdejo, M, Bumbaris, E, Tonneau, A, Lee, K-Y & Bismarck, A 2017, Nanocellulose in Hierarchical Natural Fibre Composites. in Tagungsband. pp. OP 27, Danube Vltava Sava Polymer Meeting - DVSPM 2017, Wien, Austria, 5/09/17.
Yousefi, N, Mautner, A, Nawawi, WMFW & Bismarck, A 2017, Nanopapers derived from Fungi in Membrane and Water Treatment Operations. in Tagungsband. pp. OP 42, Danube Vltava Sava Polymer Meeting - DVSPM 2017, Wien, Austria, 5/09/17.
Weiland , K, Mautner, A & Bismarck, A 2017, Nano-papers from Elephantidea Manure. in Tagungsband. pp. OP 49, Danube Vltava Sava Polymer Meeting - DVSPM 2017, Wien, Austria, 5/09/17.
Barkan-Öztürk, H, Menner, A & Bismarck, A 2017, Plant-on-a-bench. in Tagungsband. pp. OP 13, Danube Vltava Sava Polymer Meeting - DVSPM 2017, Wien, Austria, 5/09/17.
Paschinger, W, Nguyen Thu, HM & Bismarck, A 2017, Porous Polymers for Battery Applications. in Tagungsband. pp. OP 18, Danube Vltava Sava Polymer Meeting - DVSPM 2017, Wien, Austria, 5/09/17.
De Luca, H, Anthony, DB, Greenhalgh, ES, Shaffer, MSP & Bismarck, A 2017, Continuous production of carbon nanotube-grafted quartz fibres: Effect of carbon nanotube length on fibre/matrix adhesion. in Book of Abstracts. 21st International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM-21), Xi’an, China, 20/08/17.
Anthony, DB, Bacarreza Nogales , OR, Shaffer, MSP, Robinson, P, Pimenta , S & Bismarck, A 2017, Crack arrest in finger jointed thermoplastic PES interleaved CFRC. in Book of Abstracts. 21st International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM-21), Xi’an, China, 20/08/17.
Seidler , K, Shamsuddin, SR & Bismarck, A 2017, In-mould multifunctional coatings with graphene nanocomposites. in Book of Abstracts. 21st International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM-21), Xi’an, China, 20/08/17.
Bismarck, A & Shamsuddin, SR 2017, Interleaved thermosetting composites for in-mould coating and manufacturing of thick composite structures with improved fracture toughness. in Book of Abstracts. 21st International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM-21), Xi’an, China, 20/08/17.
Fortea Verdejo, M, Bismarck, A, Bumbaris, E, Tonneau, A & Lee, K-Y 2017, Is hierarchy useful for natural fibre composites? in Book of Abstracts. 21st International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM-21), Xi’an, China, 20/08/17.
De Luca, F, Clancy, AJ, Sernicola , G, Shaffer, MSP & Bismarck, A 2017, Nanostructured “Brick-and-mortar” interphase inspired by nacre to improve carbon fibre composite performance. in Book of Abstracts. 21st International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM-21), Xi’an, China, 20/08/17.
Rusakov, D, Bismarck, A & Menner, A 2017, High Porosity Macroporous Polyetheretherketone. in Book of Abstracts. ANM 2017, Aveiro, Portugal, 19/07/17.
Steindl, P, Bismarck, A & Menner, A 2017, Stronger than they look: Foamed Epoxy Resins. in Book of Abstracts. ANM 2017, Aveiro, Portugal, 19/07/17.
Anthony, DB, Bacarreza Nogales , OR, Shaffer, MSP, Bismarck, A, Robinson, P & Pimenta , S 2017, Crack arrest in finger jointed thermoplastic PES interleaved CFRC. in AIP Conference Proceedings: open access publication of American Institute of Physics. PPS2017, Dresden, Germany, 26/06/17.
Mautner, A, Yousefi, N, Nawawi, WMFW & Bismarck, A 2017, Chitin-Glucan Nanopapers from Fungi in Membrane and Water Treatment Operations. in Program Book. pp. 140, 253rd American Chemical Society NATIONAL MEETING & EXPOSITION, San Francisco, CA, California, United States, 2/04/17.
Kontturi, KS, Biegaj, K, Mautner, A, Woodward, RT, Wilson, BP, Lee, K-Y, Heng, JYY, Bismarck, A & Kontturi, E 2017, Exclusive surface modification off cellulose nanopapers by adsorption of polymers from non-aqueous solvents. in Program Book. 253rd American Chemical Society NATIONAL MEETING & EXPOSITION, San Francisco, CA, California, United States, 2/04/17.
Müller, HW & Bismarck, A 2016, 'ViEDRA coming alive', Paper presented at 2nd International PaCE Christmas Symposium, Wien, Austria, 16/12/16 - 16/12/16.
Nawawi, WMFW, Lee, K-Y, Mautner, A & Bismarck, A 2016, 'Renewable Nanomaterials: The composition is important', Paper presented at 2016 European Inverse Gas Chromatography (iGC) Symposium, London, United Kingdom, 18/10/16 - 19/10/16.
Fischer, WJ, Schmiedt, R, Mautner, A, Jagiello, L, Mayr, M, Tovar, RG, Eckhart, R, Spirk, S & Bauer, W 2016, 'Pulp fines – Investigating the smallest constituent parts of the paper network', Paper presented at 2nd International EPNOE Junior Scientists meeting, Sophia-Antipolis , France, 13/10/16 - 14/10/16.
Lee, K-Y, Blaker, JJ, Murakami, R, Heng, JYY & Bismarck, A 2016, 'Phase behaviour of water-in-oil emulsions stabilised solely by hydrophobised bacterial cellulose nanofibrils', Paper presented at RSC/SCI Colloids Group Meeting: Particles at Interfaces , Leeds, United Kingdom, 7/09/16 - 7/09/16.
Mautner, A, Liska, R & Bismarck, A 2016, 'Development of Vinyl Ester and Vinyl Carbonate Photopolymers carrying Functional Groups for Improved Mechanical Performance.', Paper presented at 22nd Bratislava International Conference on Macromolecules – BIMac 2016, Bratislava, Slovakia, 6/09/16 - 9/09/16.
Maples, HA, James , T & Bismarck, A 2016, Manufacturing Affordable, High Performance Composites using Solid Epoxy Resins. in Book of Abstracts. 252nd American Chemical Society National Meeting & Exposition, PHILADELPHIA, United States, 21/08/16.
Paschinger, W, Nguyen Thu, HM & Bismarck, A 2016, On printable in situ electrolyte filled battery separators. in Book of Abstracts. 252nd American Chemical Society National Meeting & Exposition, PHILADELPHIA, United States, 21/08/16.