List of Publications
Showing entries 481 - 500 out of 567
Grytsiv A, Rogl PF, Schmidt H. Influence of 2 at.% ruthenium addition on the oxidation of ?-TiAl at 900°C in air. Oxidation of Metals: an international journal of the science of gas-solid reactions. 2004;62(1-2):15-28.
Bauer ED, Slebarski A, Frederick NA, Yuhasz WM, Maple MB, Cao D et al. Investigation of ferromagnetic filled skutterudite compounds EuT 4Sb12 (T = Fe, Ru, Os). Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter. 2004;16(28):5095-5107.
Gribanov AV, Seropegin YD, Tursina AI, Bodak OI, Rogl PF, Noel H. Isothermal section of the phase diagram of the Ce-Pt-Si ternary system at 600 °C. In Boller H, editor, Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Solid Compounds of Transition Elements (SCTE 2003): July 6 - 11, 2003, Linz, Austria. Amsterdam [u.a.]: Elsevier. 2004. p. 286-289. (Journal of Alloys and Compounds; No. 1-2, Vol. 383). doi: 10.1016/j.jallcom.2004.04.057
Michor H, El-Hagary M, Della Mea M, Pieper MW, Reissner M, Hilscher G et al. Itinerant electron metamagnetism in LaCo9Si4. Physical Review B. 2004;69(8):814041-814044. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.69.081404
Paul C, Bauer E, Berger S, Grytsiv A, Hilscher G, Michor H et al. Magnetic and thermoelectric features of PryFe4-x(Ni, Co)xSb12. In Fiorani D, editor, Proceedings of the International Conference on Magnetism (ICM 2003): 27 July - 1 August 2003, Rome, Italy. Amsterdam [u.a.]: Elsevier BV, North-Holland. 2004. (Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials; No. Suppl.1, Vol. 272-276). doi: 10.1016/j.jmmm.2004.01.035
El-Hagary M, Michor H, Wind M, Bauer E, Hilscher G, Rogl PF. Magnetic behavior of LaCo13-xSix in the vicinity of the critical concentration x = 4. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2004;367(1-2):239-245.
Bauer E, Hilscher G, Michor H, Sieberer M, Scheidt EW, Gribanov AV et al. Novel superconductivity and magnetism in CePt3Si. Czechoslovak Journal of Physics: europhysics journal. 2004;54(Suppl. 4):401-406. doi: 10.1007/s10582-004-0107-2
Nunes CA, de Lima BB, Coelho GC, Rogl PF, Suzuki PA. On the stability of the V5B6-phase. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2004;370(1-2):164-168.
Iizumi K, Okada S, Mori T, Shishido T, Rogl PF. RMn2Si2 (R = La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Gd) compounds grown from metal flux and properties of the crystals. Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan. 2004;112(1305):263-265.
Nesterenko SN, Tursina AI, Rogl PF, Seropegin YD. Single crystal investigation of CePd3In2. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2004;373(1-2):220-222.
Katrych S, Grytsiv A, Bondar AA, Rogl PF, Velikanova TY, Bohn M. Structural materials: Metal-silicon-Boron. The Nb-rich corner of the Nb-Si-B system. Journal of Solid State Chemistry. 2004;177(2):493-497. doi: 10.1016/j.jssc.2003.02.008
Ramos AS, Nunes CA, Rodrigues G, Suzuki PA, Coelho GC, Grytsiv A et al. Ti6Si2B, a new ternary phase in the Ti-Si-B system. Intermetallics. 2004;12(5):487-491.
Kavecansky V, Rogl PF, Noel H, Mihalik M, Wochowski K, Troc R. X-ray investigation of alloys with composition Th37.5M 25M'37.5; M=Al,Ga, M'=Si,Ge. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2004;365(1-2):173-177. doi: 10.1016/S0925-8388(03)00658-3
Giovannini M, Saccone A, Delfino S, Rogl PF. A comparative investigation of isothermal sections of Rare Earth-Pd-In systems. Intermetallics. 2003;11(11-12):1237-1243. doi: 10.1016/S0966-9795(03)00164-X
Grytsiv A, Rogl PF, Andre G, Bourée F, Velikanova TY. Carbon-vacancy ordering in subcarbide (Cr0.7Re0.3)2C0.9; A combined X-ray and neutron diffraction study. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2003;350(1-2).
Chen X, Witusiewicz VT, Podloucky R, Rogl PF, Sommer F. Computational and experimental study of phase stability, cohesive properties, magnetism and electronic structure of TiMn2. Acta Materialia. 2003;51(5):1239-1247.
Grytsiv A, Rogl PF, Schmidt H, Giester G. Constitution of the Ternary System Al-Ru-Ti (Aluminum-Ruthenium-Titanium). Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion. 2003;24(6):511-527. doi: 10.1361/105497103772084552
Mudryk Y, Rogl PF, Paul C, Berger S, Bauer E, Hilscher G et al. Crystal chemistry and thermoelectric properties of clathrates with rare-earth substitution. Physica B: Condensed Matter. 2003;328(1-2):44-48. doi: 10.1016/S0921-4526(02)01806-9
Grytsiv A, Ding JJ, Rogl PF, Weill F, Chevalier B, Etourneau JR et al. Crystal chemistry of the G-phases in the systems Ti–{Fe, Co, Ni}–Al with a novel filled variant of the Th6Mn23-type. Intermetallics. 2003;11(4):351-359. doi: 10.1016/S0966-9795(02)00267-4
Kudou K, Okada S, Mori T, Iizumi K, Shishido T, Tanaka T et al. Crystal growth and some properties of REMn2Si2 (RE = Y, Tb, Dy, Ho). Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2003;358(1-2):182-187.
Showing entries 481 - 500 out of 567